Thursday, 8 May 2008

Open Minds, Open Curriculum?

Dear All!

What a few weeks I have had. I found out last week that our school is planning to deliver an "Open Minds" curriculum next year (September). Currently there is very little to show for it. I have become increasingly concerned as to the nature and availability of "Open Minds" materials- there seem to be very few available and schools that are delivering the curriculum are loathed to share their expertise- the "Open Minds" evangelists are very happy to tell you how wonderful the learning experince is- but are less happy to share "how" they do it.

I understand the concept of developing thinking skills and easing the transition from KS3 to KS4, however, am becoming increasingly sceptical due to the lack of academic research as to its effectiveness. If anyone has got data that shows that this approach has a significant impact on attainment I would gratefully like to talk to them.

I would also like to know what models schools are using to deliver this curriculum and how schools maintain standards in maths, english, science and ICT. The proposal on the table is that 22 lessons out of 30 will be included in the curriculum- this seems massive considering the lack of planning in place for a September start. I'm not saying that having a competancy based curriculum covering that amount would not be exciting but delivering the skills training and resource in such a short time scares me a little.

As an ICT teacher this really worries me. We have worked very hard to establish ourselves as a subject and we are now being consumed by thios curriculum. How will ICT not become death by PowerPoint for most and fabulous for others? The potential for inconsistency is massive.

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